There are 3 Legal bodies a business needs to register with, depending on the structure of the business:
Registering as a Sole Trader with HMRC:
Visit HMRC's website ( and create a Government Gateway account
Required information:
Full legal name and date of birth
UK residential address
National Insurance number
Phone number and email
Nature of your business
Start date of self-employment
After registration, you'll receive:
Unique Taxpayer Reference (UTR)
Government Gateway ID
Activation code by post (usually within 10 working days).
2. Registering a Limited Company with Companies House:
Visit Companies House website or use an approved formation agent
Required information:
Company name (must be unique)
Registered office address (must be in the UK)
At least one director's details:
Full name, date of birth
Residential address
Shareholder information
Share capital details (how many shares, their value)
Standard Industrial Classification (SIC) code
Statement of compliance
Cost: £12 for online registration (takes 24 hours)
After registration, you'll receive:
Certificate of Incorporation
Company Registration Number (CRN)
Articles of Association
3. VAT Registration: This is required when:
Your turnover exceeds £85,000 in any 12-month period
You expect to exceed this threshold in the next 30 days
Voluntary registration possible if turnover is below threshold
Registration process:
Create VAT online account through Government Gateway
Provide business details:
Bank account information
Business activity
Previous turnover
Estimated future turnover
Choose VAT scheme (Standard, Flat Rate, etc.)
After registration:
Receive VAT number
Must charge VAT on goods/services
Submit quarterly VAT returns
Keep detailed VAT records
Important Additional Points:
Must register for Self Assessment within 3 months of starting business
Need separate registration with HMRC for PAYE if hiring employees
Consider registering with Information Commissioner's Office (ICO) if handling customer data
Local authority registration may be required for certain business types (e.g., food businesses)
Some industries require additional licenses or permits